Mes projets - Des solutions numériques éprouvées pour des problèmes du monde réel

Je développe des solutions numériques sur-mesure répondant aux défis que rencontrent mes clients. Je mets un point d'honneur à démystifier et expliquer clairement les méthodes utilisées, chaque fois que cela apporte de la valeur. Lorsque cela est opportun et que mon emploi du temps le permet, je partage des études de cas pour montrer concrètement l'impact et la pertinence de ces projets.

Études de cas


Web development, CMS


FamilyFund is a crowdfunding platform for friends and family. Allowing users to take personal loans from their network without a traditional financial institution.

We developed a custom CMS to power their blog with and optimised their site to rank higher for the keywords “Gary Vee” and “Tony Robbins”.

Working with Studio, we felt more like a partner than a customer. They really resonated with our mission to change the way people convince their parents to cash out their pensions.

Debra Fiscal, CEO of FamilyFund


Blockchain development


Unseal is the first NFT platform where users can mint and trade NFTs of their own personal health records, allowing them to take control of their data.

We built out the blockchain infrastructure that supports Unseal. Unfortunately, we took a massive loss on this project when Unseal’s cryptocurrency, PlaceboCoin, went to zero.

Studio did an amazing job building out our core blockchain infrastructure and I’m sure once PlaceboCoin rallies they’ll be able to finish the project.

Emily Selman, Head of Engineering at Unseal


App development


Find love in the face of fear — Phobia is a dating app that matches users based on their mutual phobias so they can be scared together.

We worked with Phobia to develop a new onboarding flow. A user is shown pictures of common phobias and we use the microphone to detect which ones make them scream, feeding the results into the matching algorithm.

The team at Studio went above and beyond with our onboarding, even finding a way to access the user’s microphone without triggering one of those annoying permission dialogs.

Jenny Wilson, CPO of Phobia

C'est un plaisir de travailler avec Cyril. Conseils avisés tarifs corrects très professionnel et un vrai savoir faire, je recommande.


Vous êtes en bonne compagnie

  • Natatio
  • Aina Rakotobe
  • Datagong
  • Elise Ferry
  • Exclusivité Immobilière
  • Lyospuk
  • Petits Anges
  • Pioupiou Cosmetics
  • Ptit Pitchoun
  • Thalassa Service
  • Vannier Studio


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